Resonate Online Workshop: Radio/Audio Masterworks: An Invitation to Critical Thought in an Ephemeral Field
Radio and audio are forms mostly associated with doing rather than critiquing, but what makes great sound works extraordinary is the same as what makes great works in any media resonate across time. This webinar will explore artists, intentions, poetics, structures and themes in a selection of significant works.
What you’ll learn:
•A framework for thinking about audio productions as art forms.
•A critical toolkit for listening to and interrogating audio works.
•An appreciation of a medium often thought of as ephemeral as having enduring cultural worth beyond trends and the marketplace.
About the speaker:
Sarah Montague is an associate professor at The New School where she teaches courses in audio journalism; audio and radio documentary; the history of public radio, and audio/radio feature production. She is an award-winning veteran of the public radio system for which she produces the long-running spoken word program SELECTED SHORTS. She has also created many features and documentaries, for WNYC, and for programs including Studio 360. Dramatic audio work includes The Radio Stage, Play for Voices (producer/director), and Archibald MacLeish’s The Fall of the City and Orson Welles’ War of the Worlds at WNYC’s The Green Space. She is a co-producer of the podcast Local Switchboard WNYC.