Cafe open, Galleries closed for new art installation. Cafe hours: Tues.-Sun. 10 AM-4 PM. Galleries will reopen April 11 at 5 p.m. for the 2025 VCUarts MFA Thesis Exhibition Premiere.
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Photo by David Hunter Hale.

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Monuments & Political Speech: A Panel Discussion

Wednesday, Sep 23

6:00 PM–7:30 PM

What are the circumstances that allow for speech to become political? How is political speech encouraged or restrained? In recent months, monuments have become sites for civic discourse where we debate the ways in which we want to reform or revolutionize our social structures. This event invites some of the artists for Commonwealth, whose work addresses these issues, to be in dialogue with invited panelists.


Panelists: Paul Farber (Monument Lab, Philadelphia), Sharon Hayes (Philadelphia), Brian Palmer (Richmond), Nelson Rivera (San Juan), Monica Rodriguez (Los Angeles). Moderated by Noah Simblist (VCUarts).