Trans Day of Visibility: Voice Coaching Workshop
Have you ever spoken into a radio and found the voice bouncing back reflecting that of a stranger? Or recorded your voicemail again and again and again because the voice speaking your name simply isn’t you? How different might you sound and feel if you knew how to use your voice with intention?
Calling all trans and gender non-conforming guys, gals, and nonbinary pals to join us this Trans Day Of Visibility on Sunday, March 31st, from 2-3:30pm in the Community Media Center at the ICA at VCU for an introductory workshop to voice training and modification specific to gender affirming goals. Space is limited to 15 participants, so please don’t hesitate to register for this free community event. If you have any questions or concerns, including accessibility needs, please contact Emerson Tedder, Manager of Visitor Engagement and Student Experience, at etedder@vcu.edu
Jaemin Yoo (he/him) is a Speech Language Pathologist with the VCU Health System specializing in gender affirming and gender expansive voice training. He has been working with adult and pediatric transgender, nonbinary, and gender diverse clients for the past 5 years. He runs a quarterly voice training group, in addition to providing one-on-one services at the Main VCU Health Campus in downtown Richmond. He is excited to be talking to you today about gender affirming voice training and modification.