No Input: Alex C Presents Sunk Heaven (NY) and Three-Brained Robot (RVA)
Performers Sunk Heaven (NY) and Three-Brained Robot (RVA) invited by longtime DIY promoter, OSB co-founder, and noise musician Alex Capraro.
No Input is a recurring series in which the ICA invites programmers from DIY spaces in Richmond to select acts to perform sets specifically adapted to the unique architecture of the ICA. The title recalls the noninterference of the “no-input” mixing technique, wherein the static produced by the inner components of a mixing board is fed back into the mixer, creating feedback loops that generate sounds and rhythms without external influence.
Sunk Heaven
Sunk Heaven (@sunkheaven) is the experimental electronic project of Austin Sley Julian. Using electro acoustic built instruments, aiming to evoke feelings of anguish, frustration, and inherent conflict to confront the ugly instability of this condition with realism and “pessimistic optimism”. Austin Sley Julian is a visual and sound artist, improviser, and performer born in Brooklyn, NY. Using prepared guitar, handmade instruments, discarded artifacts and debris, Austin Sley Julian creates moving, physically jagged, harsh gestures that hurl at their audiences.
Three-Brained Robot
Samuel Martin (@threebrainedrobot), also known as The Three-Brained Robot, creates parodies of the mundane using puppets, performance, and costumes to skew familiar occurrences and childhood memories into strange, comedic situations.The Three-Brained Robot intersperses these scenes with music and dance to relieve tension.
Alex C
Alex C (@platypusmarsh) is an artist, musician, show organizer/promoter and audio technician from New York City. He’s been part of the underground experimental music scene for 20 years with numerous bands and projects, booking and helping with underground venues such as Palisades and The Glove in NYC, and during his 4 years living in Richmond helped co-found and run OSB.