Validation Day
Tuesday, Feb 14
12:00 PM–3:30 PM
Validation Day is Milk River Arts’ ongoing, annual celebration of boundless love and universal acceptance in collaboration with All the Saints Theater Company. Begun in 2019, Validation Day is inspired by a similar practice begun at the Twin Oaks Community in Louisa, Virginia, and the idea that despite what appears to be culture-wide joy, there is always sadness just beneath the veneer of celebration, the sadness of those not loved, and not accepted for who they are. Each year artists from Milk River Arts create dozens of handwritten love notes and distribute them anonymously and gratuitously to anyone and everyone they encounter. 2023’s Validation Day will be a return to the in-person parade and performance, and will culminate with a community meal of soup and bread in the ICA’s Forum.
This event is free and RSVP is not required
Photo courtesy: Terry Brown, 2020